
March 5, 2024
8:15AM - 9:15AM EST

FPA Central Ohio Presents Veteran Benefits

Fawcett Center


The Blended Retirement System

presented by

Sean Tuttle, First Command Financial Planning

Sean Tuttle

This brief, informative presentation was designed to assist Advisors with engaging and educating about the Blended Retirement System (BRS). The presentation provides an overview of the benefits offered through the BRS, including pension pay, automatic and matching TSP contributions, continuation pay, and retirement pay options. It also covers the key decision points that service members will encounter with recommendations for maximizing program benefits.


  1. Understand the Blended Retirement System
  2. Understand the Thrift Savings Plan
  3. Provide information to assist military members in making crucial decisions with their retirement plan



Thank you to our Annual Partners!


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