
December 13, 2016
3:45PM - 6:00PM

Communicating Investment Principles & Holiday Afternoon Reception

presented by Christian Newton

Fawcett Center - Columbus, OH

 Communicating Investment Principles Presentation

presented by Christian Newton , Dimensional Fund Advisors

This presentation highlights the main philosophies of investing and how these have evolved overtime alongside financial science.  The presentation is broken down into multiple sections – “Why Invest?”, “How Do Many People Invest?”, “What Have We Learned?”, “What is the Best Way to Invest?” and “The Dimensional Difference.”  The presentation builds from traditional active management into indexing into a more evidence based approach that Dimensional follows. Along the way, statistics, financial evolutions and tradeoff considerations are offered to explain how and why the world of investing continues to evolve.
Attendees will earn how investing and financial science have evolved over time to continue to increase the odds of investors having a successful investment experience.


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